torstai 18. heinäkuuta 2013

Skudeneshavn to Stavanger

We guessed the prolonged good weather could not last. After one day of glorious sun shine we are back to scottish mist and rain. A good close fetch beat , leg to  Stavanger was enjoyed despite the weather turning to a reach as we neared our end point. The wind was a bit fluky/variable on the last fairway into Stavanger.
The drizzle continued well into the afternoon and whilst Saku had important domestic duties - his clothes  -to attend to the rest of us - Merja , Anja , Antti and David went and explored the oil museum close by. It was an excellent museum describing the history of the Norwegian oil industry and the technical strides made in equipment and methods. I think the ladies as well as the men found it of interest. As it is our last night on the boat  we all went out for a excellent meal at a local fish restaurant- many courses of fine Norwegian cuisine  It was still drizzling on our way back to the boat no respite for the wicked. Back to sunny England tomorrow no doubt the weather will go down hill once I arrive   Merja doubtless will continue the blog over the next days Goodbye Duo and good bye Norway. Thanks to both Saku and Merja for putting up with me.
Blogger Dave

Päivä valkeni sateisena - todetaksemme, kuinka nopeasti sää täällä muuttuu.
Lähdimme Skudenehavnesta ennen yhdeksää ja purjehdimme suurimman osan matkasta.
Saavuimme Stavangeriin puolilta päivin ja saimme rantautuessamme kunnon sadekuuron niskaamme, mutta hyvän laituripaikan aivan huoltorakennuksen vierestä. 
Miehistö jätti kipparin hommiin ja tutustui Norjan öljymuseoon, hyvä kokemus sekin kaikkien mielestä.
Illalla nautimme loistoillallisen pakallisessa kalaravintolassa Stavangerin vanhassa kaupungissa. Lämmin kiitos Sakulle, Merjalle ja Davelle upeasta viikosta!

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