Aamulla saavuimme Invernessiin, missä Maisa oli meitä odottamassa. Kahvien jälkeen siirryimme Kaledonian kanavan ensimmäiseen sulutukseen, mikä sujui sekä miehistön että kanavavahdin avulla loistavasti. Sää näyttää lähipäivinä olevan kelpo tähän osaan maailmaa, joten odotamme innolla kanavan tarjontaa.
Peterhead is a small town with fishing and oilrigsupport harbour and we only found one pub the services of which we used repeatedly. The sail from Peterhead to Inverness required thorough planning due to the tides so uncommon to the Baltic skippers.
In the morning we arrived to Inverness and the Scottish charm in the scenery made impact to us. In Inverness Maisa was waiting for us. After welcoming coffees we headed to the Caledonian Canal sealock for first locking, which went fine thanks to the crew and friendly lock keeper.
Skipper preparin accommodation
for new guests
Unfortunately we didn't bring the skis with us
At least the locks are not as deep as the Russian ones on the Saimaa Canal and better finished